New Griffin Archers – we look forward to welcoming more members to our family. This week Griffin Archers as a club, with its home at Rockingham Forest Park, has successfully created two new “ARCHERS” – ready to join a club and move on in their own Archery Journeys. Now you’re wondering what I’m talking about. We had two amazing candidates who visited the Park back in July and had an Activity Session with us. It turns out they had done this at other sites and were incredibly keen to know more!
As an active AGB club, operating at RFP, we have Archery GB qualified coaches and the ability to conduct Beginners Courses. We can teach Archery to a level of competence that means someone is ready to join a club and start a personal journey through the sport.

That’s exactly what this Father and son duo wanted. They knew they were returning to RFP in August and asked if a Beginner Course was possible.
A beginner course …
With some juggling of hours available with our coaching team, we put together a timetable for them and this past week has seen them successfully attend a full Beginners Course. They have become competent Archers who were able to join us as invited guests to a Griffin Archers club Session.
To give you a flavour of the week; we spent 9 hours coaching good technique, talking about the archery range, the equipment, and how to build and handle it safely. Safety and rules were important, as is a lot of hands-on experience. We introduced them to barebow (no sight) and recurve with sights, and the son took to using the sight like a natural.

They also got to discuss and experience other bow styles and seeing the coaches demonstrate a full freestyle kit and a compound bow. Then there was lots of technical information and discussion about the history of archery and the etiquette that is still practised on the shooting line.

A great time was had by both coaches and candidates, as they bonded over their passion for Archery. Such passion and some natural talent mean their journey is an exciting prospect. They went away with Certificates that show they are competent archers. We also supplied a list of potential equipment suggestions and a way to find clubs close to their home. They also have a contact for us to keep in touch and an option to become Griffin Archers club members and shoot with us whenever they visit the park. We look forward to a long and happy relationship with this family, they already feel like an extended part of the Griffin family.
… and Archery experiences for others
Oh, and Mum also got to come along and have the Activity experience for herself. She proved a natural aptitude, so maybe another Beginner Course is on the cards!
Alongside this Beginners Course and a regular Griffin Archers club week, we also had several holiday makers come along to experience archery!

Lots of balloons were popped and lollies were awarded. Inter-family competitions and bets were placed and won, or lost! Laughter and Archery went hand in hand as we welcomed visitors to RFP along to take part. We were blessed with dry weather, and we even managed to be part of a Birthday Celebration for one of the groups of Archers.
Great fun and lots of smiles went alongside lots of promises to return and see us again. It was possibly our busiest weekend to date, but it was very rewarding.
Griffin Archers had some potential new members come along too!

This Sunday was a taster session, in fact a mega taster session, we had a 1-hour session at 11 am and then another at 2pm. These sessions always overrun, but they are such fun. We love to run these days – they are our way to welcome new Griffin archers to our family.
At the end of September, we are planning a Beginners Course for potential new club members. So, we always encourage candidates to take part in a taster session before committing to 9+ hours of dedicated Archery training.
So, along came our tasters, they ranged from 7 to 79 years old, and everyone enjoyed learning a bit more about archery. Everyone went away keen to go on to a Beginners Course. They all have the information, and we already have 2 paid up candidates.
These new potential Archers gave the Griffin Archery Range a buzz of excitement and anticipation. The coaches worked tirelessly. Carl, Trev, Robyn, John and Pete all kept a smile on their faces and a positive and encouraging attitude. They even fitted in a Holiday makers experience during the lunch time.
Our 2pm session was much anticipated, we had our brand new Archers Chris and Jakub come and spend some of the session shooting as part of the club. Jakub achieved an amazing PB score on a 252 round of 274! Matt, our current refresher course candidate, got some one-to-one coaching with Carl and then some instruction on kit with Robyn. He will be having a go at the Windsor Round next Sunday.
Birthday celebrations

Tom R’s birthday meant that Kai brought an amazing and tasty Raspberry /Vanilla cake, and Robyn had made flapjacks. We also put banners on Tom’s target face and got him to come to the front while we all sang “Happy Birthday” to him. His face was a picture!
People were practising and getting sight marks for next weeks Founders Day Windsor Round – John’s favourite archery round. We are challenging members to try a starting distance of 10yds further than they have previously achieved. This means they will have 2 shorter distances where they are much more comfortable, but they get a chance to try the new distance first.
Some D & D action for our younger members

The amazing weather and the atmosphere of club members enjoying shooting alongside each other. Plus we had the D & D group chatting game strategy, the book club finding that they got the same feelings and insight into characters.
All-in-all, a really lovely Club session at RFP.