Sunday 14th July 2024 was an amazing sight to see. 44 archers, 2 Archery GB Judges, and our working party all assembled on our range at Rockingham Forest Park for our 2nd Open Western competition.
The preparation went well, the Judges double-checked everything and tweaked our set up slightly (by mere inches). Some small adjustments, and we were ready to go.
After an early start for the work party, we had the range and the Welcome /signing-in tent ready for even the earliest archer to arrive. The Command Post Bistro were amazing – they provided some well received “bacon baps” at 9am, and the Judges were thrilled to have been included in this delicious treat!

And so it began …
Di was front and centre at the welcome tent, getting competitors to sign in and giving directions. She was also providing everything from sun cream to sherbet lemons. Our members had been busy, and there was an array of cakes and sweet treats for sale at our Activity Centre.
We started a few minutes late, just to accommodate a couple of late arrivals. Then the competition began, and the work party got a few minutes break. The range team were kept busy sorting out target face issues and other small things that the judges pointed out.
Our Archery GB Regional Development Officer, Harry Neville, came along to see how our new home range and the club were doing, especially knowing how important an event this was to us.
The shooting at the first distance (anything from 60 yards to 30 yards) went well. Everyone was enjoying themselves and the weather was dry! As is the norm with Archers, many were critical of their personal performance. However, the figures on the results sheets said differently – there were some amazing scores and everything to play for.
Lunch – and 2nd distance shooting
Lunch break came and the chattering swelled. Spectators and archers were happily eating, and our homemade cakes, and The Command Post, both gained customers. The judges and VIPs had a spectacular plated ploughmans lunch that was delicious.

The 2nd distance started promptly at 1pm and time seemed to fly. Raffle tickets needed folding and all paperwork was at the ready for the final scores.
Before we knew it, last end was called and there was the inevitable photo calls. We were lucky enough to get all competitors into a group photo.
After the last end was shot, the activity turned to archers packing kits away. Then they congregated around the welcome tent, ready for the raffle and prizegiving. Lots of prizes were won in the raffle – many thanks to everyone for all of the donations. Mike had brought his raffle drum, which was gladly received and pressed into service. Many thanks to Mike!
Our Chair, John, was subbed in as Lord P. (Unfortunately, Harry couldn’t stay due to personal circumstances), and Pete announced the winners. Robyn was our medal wrangler.
Lots of Personal Best scores and some great achievements for novice archers. Medals hung around proud archers and we all clapped and cheered. Finally, some thank you gifts for the judges along with our heartfelt appreciation. Many thanks Gill & Mandie!
Take a look at all of the photographs in our photo gallery.
Di and John made sure that everyone on the work party got a small gift and thank you card.
All-in-all, a good time and successful event was had by all.
Once the field was clear and the signs removed, we all left exhausted – but very proud of our Griffin Archers Family.
We are all looking forward to seeing you al next year at our 3rd Open Western Tournament.