Archery and Wellbeing

Here at Griffin Archers, we have always been aware that Archery is far more than “just” a sport. Archery has benefits that can aid your concentration and help your overall well-being, as well as building core strength and improving stamina.
We recognise that people of all ages and abilities can become part of our archery family and so we have some specific pages designed to inform and enable you to understand these benefits and how you can also help yourself.
Mental and Emotional
As well as some specific advice and some hints and tips ( Mindfulness exercises ) for dealing with others who may be having difficulties with their personal situations, we wanted to share a little story that explains how “stress”, anxiety” or mental health issues can present themself. Read “The Poison Parrot”, a recognised piece used in discussion and therapy, bringing self awareness in a new way!
We are a supportive and understanding club, with experience in all manner of special needs, but we do not pretend to be qualified or professionals in this. If you need specific or immediate help we have details here.
Preparing your body for shooting
As archery is a physical sport, it is important to prepare your muscles properly. We have a selection of exercises here (courtesy of Archery GB) which work on both your core strength and the specific muscles used in drawing the bow.
As with all sports, our AGB-qualified Coaches and their team all understand the need for warm ups – before, and cool downs – after, either a shooting or even an exercise session. Robyn and John are both happy to help you with these if you need them to, whether in person, via an online meeting, or just an email or chat.
Also remember that Archery is something that you can still do, if you need to sit down to do the exercises then do that, if anything ever hurts – STOP immediately. Its always worth mentioning any injuries or limitations you may have to one of our coaching team.
Griffin Archers is a club that really wants to encompass the whole archer.
We are a friendly club

There is another part to archery that is not always encouraged, and needs to be something you choose to take part in. Archery can be a social event. Whether its just getting out of the house, or a need to get away from the kids at home, you can find it with us. We will notice if you don’t turn up and we will keep in touch if you cannot be around for any length of time. Alongside our performance archers who need silence and concentration, are the archers who will help and advise on the line, or have a giggle as you’re walking up and down to the targets.
Then there’s the novelty or charity shoots. We do these for fun, and there is always cake! But this doesn’t mean that essential practise or target time is ignored, its just less emphasis on that occasion.
If you want to find out more about becoming part of our club please contact us here.