This has been a week and a half! Literally!!!
With our usual suspects coming along to our midweek evening sessions we then had a nice and busy Sunday session.

Matt brought his new lightweight compound bow to shoot, he took the time to get his eye in and get the set up correct at a shorter distance that he found comfortable. After many health issues and surgeries, Matt has now been able to return and at last he has a compound bow (always his first choice of bow style). Well done, Matt!
We had a new face visiting us, and who ultimately joined the club, WELCOME Steph! We can see she is going to be a contender for the longer distances! So, some competition for our more experienced archers (or just a target mate). We also had a returner, Hannah, who has rejoined us! Welcome BACK Hannah! It was amazing to see the muscle memory come flooding back.

For our Sunday session we put up a 70m (Olympic distance) target. The challenge was open to everyone attending to have a go at getting the distance. Regardless of previous experience.
John I, our veteran archer and distance expert, was giving lots of advice, encouragement and using his scope to sight where the various arrows were going. Shannon did well and hit the target, Robyn is an old hand at this distance now, but lots of people were trying. They even convinced Holly to have a go with her longbow! An interesting technique being used to get the distance with her wooden arrows and basic bow. Once again, the cloud she was using as a sight mark kept moving!

Command Post gets competitive
After our enjoyable Sunday we then had our final Tuesday evening shoot. We are moving these to Wednesdays from next week. It was a relaxed start with our 3 coaches, Robyn, Carl and John actually getting some early shooting in. Then we had a nice relaxed hour before we had a wonderfully fun and laughter filled Team building sessions with our Rockingham neighbours, the team from the Command Post Bistro.
Debs and Ali led the pack, there were 7 of them in all and some were nervous, some were convinced they would do badly, while a couple were just determined to WIN.

After a giggle while warming up and the initial safety information talk, it was down to business. Elliott and Fin proved to be natural archers and got arrows on the target immediately. Chris surprised himself with his first arrows flying way past the target. But he was quickly a contender and getting “GOLD”. Steph proved herself to be a very instinctive archer and she and Debs came through with completing the colour challenge Carl and Robyn set. Sally was thrilled once she got her posture right and Ali was a secret assassin, quietly biding her time and then popping balloons like a demon. Debs and Steph got ultimate bragging rights, winning the coach awarded Trophies. But everyone did so well, they all got well deserved medals and certificates. We hope they will have another go soon!