Rain never stops play! We archers tend to be a hardy bunch, if it rains – we “get wet”, if it’s cold – we wear layers.
But we are aware that we are hardened to the elements. Not everyone wants to be cold and wet out in a field.
Did I say rain never stops play? Well, a rainy Saturday followed a week of impossibly high winds that had even managed to affect our club sessions. It was going to be a test of our indoor range at the Activity Centre.

There is a limit of numbers to be booked for a reason. Our morning’s session of 7 people with 3 coaches and myself meant that we were a little crowded. But any concerns quickly dissolved as our passion for archery and their enthusiasm created such a brilliant atmosphere of fun, laughter and family competitiveness. A combination of coaches’ assistance and some natural talent made for some great archery.
Balloons were popped, games were played, and challenges were laid down – lollipops and small prizes were given out!

We gave some extra time to make sure the whole group got plenty of hands-on experience. It was such a good atmosphere that the time flew by.
This was Pip’s first experience of Griffin coaching – following Carl and John’s lead. They were asking questions and relating to the group of holiday makers in such a pro-active and positive way.
So, a lunch break for the coaches.
Lunch time allowed the three coaches to discuss coaching styles, and Pip is definitely an asset to the Griffin coaching team. We look forward to seeing their experience grow.
Our afternoon session saw five participants and the competitiveness began immediately. There was already a family bet on for £5 to the winner!
This session needed the coaches to give aiming and technical assistance, and natural talent shone through. One member of the group started the session so convinced they would not be any good, but Pip did some one-to-one work with them and by the end of the session they had improved so much it saw a real change in their attitude.
Balloons and games were definitely the order of the day, and everyone rose to the challenge!
Medals and lollipops were given out and the atmosphere was so great that it was almost sad to see the session end.
We were thrilled when we got this feedback and thanks:
I just wanted to say a big thank you for the archery session. I didn’t come with the dog in the end due to the space inside but my 3 came back buzzing about the games they played and the activities. As teenagers, we don’t get much out of them at times so to see them so enthusiastic was really lovely. They said that all the adults were ‘really good’ and they ‘got loads of go’s’! They are still munching their lollies! We will definitely be booking another session when we visit again. Thanks so much. Liz
Out of this we learnt that the activity centre is limited in space, but with some creative thinking and coaching it can be a very successful overall experience for our Holiday Makers.
That wind is BRUTAL, even the hardiest of Archers are fighting to shoot straight!

Sunday came, and here we are again – rain never stops play? This time there’s no rain! This made us all hopeful for the club session today.
But, it quickly became apparent that the high winds affecting the whole of the last week were going to cause some issues.
It was definitely one of those winds that found its way into your bones. It was a fight to keep an arrow rested on the bow and then compensating for what the wind would do to the arrows flight.
The tail of “Storm Lillian” was still whipping across RFP, and so the session only lasted as long as those bravest archers among us were willing to stay.

Club sessions are often organic like this, and we do try to run for as long as the archers want them to. There is often a natural end, and then it’s a case of everyone pitches in to take down the range and put everything away!
Electrical storms and high winds are the true enemies of Archery.
Lets hope the summer weather returns soon!