This last week has been one of great successes. Pete, our Deputy Coaching Officer and newly qualified AGB Session Coach, was lead coach in a beginners course of his own development. With John and Robyn, Pete had redesigned our Beginner course (which has origins from one written in 2012 by John)
This weekend saw our last candidate complete their 3rd session – Leon chose to do his final barebow fun session on a Longbow. Pete encourages free choice and the new style course enables the coaches to work around individuals Archery needs. Congratulations on passing your course, Leon. We look forward to welcoming you to the club as a member, and are excited that you want to pursue Longbow!
‘Baby Archers’

The same weekend saw 3 “Newbie” members join for their first shoot as club members, all affiliated and joined up after the Beginners course and a refresher period for one of them! These brand new Archers – Peter, Thomas and Matt, all had such a fun time. They quickly settled in and decided to score a 252 round at 20yards. 3 badges were awarded later to much applause from the rest of the club. John shook their hands and their coach, Pete, looked on like a proud parent. It’s a real testament to his coaching. Di immediately dubbed these ‘Baby Archers’, as they are literally straight off of their course and have come out with such knowledge and confidence.
Thomas found a loophole – he successfully gained a badge using a sight, and then decided to do the same distance and score, but barebow! Thomas became our first in so many ways, but 2 badges in one session, and for it to be his first session. Well-Done Thomas!
You know what that means … Celebratory lemon sherbets for everyone!
A session of awards!

Other awards and badges were given out in a very lively session, and Tom R finally got a 252 badge at 30yds. Chris P finally received his badges for 20 and 30yards. As the session continued, we saw Sara very successfully find some sight markers for 40yards (after receiving her well deserved 30yd 252 badge). Poor Rachael had her jabs the day before, so her arms had a well-deserved rest. She spectated, crocheted and connected with other Griffin members.
All in all a good weeks Archery, but that wind chill was COLD! So, the session was not a late one! A couple of hours shooting before the chill gets to your bones. But Griffin family fun and some good Archery makes a warm welcome guaranteed at Griffin.
… and in other news
We also had Keith getting to grips with his release using a clicker -making good progress. Kai and Oliver shooting together (maybe we will get them to score next time). A welcome return for Rian, after his holiday. John was busy measuring draw lengths to organise arrows for various members. As I said a lively session overall, and everyone pitched in to take down the range and put away the equipment so it was win win!