Club photos – we do have a club camera here at Griffin Archers, but we often forget to take any photographs during events, and the giving out of certificates or awards. Going forward, We are going to improve. We make every effort to have the club’s camera out and working wherever we go.
We have a great new home at Rockingham Forest Park, with an outdoor range and the ability to fundraise for our club.
Members – can you find yourselves in the galleries? Do the pictures stir the memories of those times when you were shooting at club?
Do you have any photos of Griffin Archers at work? Would you consider allowing them to be added here.
You can see some of the things we have done in our short life here in the photo galleries. Members past and present are shown in images taken over the last few years.
Visitors to Griffin Archers – please feel free to browse our club photographs. We are still a young club, but definitely going to be here for the long haul! Would you like to join us on a beginners course? Click here to be taken to our contact form.