Griffin Archers endeavour to be transparent to all of our members. Club updates go out to everyone as soon as possible. We send newsletters, have a WhatsApp group for our members and use emails to ensure everyone has the information.
Our governance is essential to the smooth running of the club, and we take this very seriously. It is very important to every one of our members, and collectively, we do our very best to look after both the club and its members. Club updates are provided in whatever form is acceptable to the membership.

It’s the duty of every sports club to take measures to ensure that all participants, volunteers and visitors can enjoy their sport in a safe environment. We continually assess and re-assess all of the environmental factors associated with providing a safe place for people to shoot. Risk assessment documents are updated yearly, and at any time when a change is made to our venue. Both physical and mental welfare is important to us, and we endeavour to provide a safe haven for all of our members and visitors.
Current Constitution – Agreed 17/11/2024
To demonstrate our commitment to the safe running of the club, we have written our own club policies. These are available in the table below:
We have also formally adopted the Archery GB codes of conduct – also available below.
Club Policies: Club Code of Conduct: UK Coaching:
Safeguarding Policy For all Griffin Archers members UK Coaching Safeguarding Statement
Privacy Policy
Equality Policy AGB Codes of Conduct:
Social Media Policy For Young Archers
Complaints Policy For Coaches, Leaders and Officials
Carbon Arrows Policy For Spectators, Parents and Carers
Scoresheet Retention Policy
Meet your Committee for 2023-24
Please join with me to welcome your committee and acknowledge the work that they put in to the club.
Position: Name: Photo:
Chair John Searle
One of the original founders of the club. He's been in the sport for over 40 years, and coaching for more than 25 years.
Currently an AGB Level 2 coach.
Co-Vice Chairs Robyn Searle & Deniss Silputnins.
They have taken on this role in order to help the Chair & Secretary in the running of the club.
Secretary Di Searle.
Long-suffering wife of John, and another founder of the club. She doesn't shoot but does support all of us in our enjoyment of the sport.
Treasurer Deniss Silputnins.
Denis has been with the club for a few years now, and he has kindly volunteered to look after it's financial health.
Safeguarding Lead Di Searle.
Di is a qualified safeguarding professional, with lots of lived experience in the role.
Coaching Officer Robyn Searle.
Robyn has been an archer for 20 years and an AGB Level 1 coach since the age of 16. She is John's right-hand woman in all things coaching related.
Equipment Team Lead Currently led by John, this role has now been replaced by a task-based team as it became obvious that it was becoming too big a task for one person.
Records Officer Trevor Stevens.
He has taken over the role of Records Officer.
He is also a member of our coaching team.
Young Archers representative This position is being done by Di in a caretaking role.
Tournaments Officer Peter Lindsay.
Pete has taken on the Tournaments role, and is currently working on getting more of our members out on the circuit..
He has also qualified as a Session coach this year.
Coaching Co-ordinator Di Searle.
Looking after the back-end activities surrounding coaching and tuition.
Website Administator Peter Waugh.
Peter is a new member of the club, and has kindly accepted this role.
Funding, Planning & Club Development. Sara Wilkinson.
Another new member of Griffin Archers. Sarah brings a lot of experience to this new role within the committee.
Social Media Currently being done by Di in a caretaking role.
RFP H & S Liaison Alan Newton.
A seasoned archer who has accepted this role to keep us working in line with the park management.