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Griffin Archers 2nd Open Western Tournament.

Welcome to the Griffin Archers 2nd Open Western Tournament page – After the success of our 1st Open Tournament last year, we are very happy to say that we are putting it on again in 2024. The date for your diary is 14th July 2024. We are hosting this event at our new home – Rockingham Forest Park.

The club members are looking forward to hosting this event, and welcoming archers from other clubs to come and shoot with us.

Our sincere hope is that this event will be become a permanent fixture on the archery calendar for many people.

Our primary round is a Western (60 yards), with shorter distances for junior archers and novices to the sport.

Our sponsors this year are Clickers Archery, Quicks Archery, GB Railfreight and Millfield Auto Factors. We sincerely thank all of our sponsors for the support they have given us in putting on this event.

Well done to everyone who took part on the day – looking forward to seeing you next year!

Entry form available to download here.

Find the full results list here.

We will keep this page updated with available spaces – keep checking in with us.

Last updated: 2nd July 2024

Round:Max. DistanceBowstyle:Available spaces:
Western 3030 yardsRecurve, B/B, L/bow0
Western 3030 yardsCompound0
Western 4040 yardsRecurve, B/B, L/bow0
Western 5050 yardsRecurve, B/B, L/bow0
Western60 yardsRecurve, B/B, L/bow0
Western60 yardsCompound0