As you know, our long-suffering club secretary (and the wife of our Chair) creates club newsletters regularly.
She seeks to inform and advise our members of changes and upcoming events within Griffin Archers. It makes a great read and also serves as a reminder of things both past and future.
Some questions for you, the member
Do you have any contributions for the newsletter? If you do, please send them over to Di – she will be very pleased to receive them!
Can you write down your achievements?
Have you been to any outside tournaments or events? We love to tell these kind of stories. Give Di some basic details, and she can write the story for you.
Have there been any specific events that you remember where the club has been present – we would love to have your memories printed in the newsletter for those members who maybe could not attend.
Do you have any ideas for specific articles that you would like to see?
For our part, we have compiled an archive of all of the Griffin Archers club newsletters. You can see the crazy things we have done, and will continue to do.
With this, we are endeavouring to keep as complete a club history as possible,
In just about every way, 2020 was a very strange year, and unfortunately 2021 went along the same lines. Let’s not worry about it too much (I’m not making light of the the terrible loss of life).
This latest update to the page brings us to the end of 2024 – it’s been a struggle, but we have come through. We have moved our home twice since 2021, but now we have a lease, a great range and a small indoor range for training and fundraising. Things are definitely moving in the right direction!
Let’s just keep talking to each other about everything archery related (nothing in particular), and enjoy the camaraderie of Griffin Archers.
As new editions of the newsletter appear, they will be added to the archive and remain available to you as club members – just ask.
Don’t forget, we have club merchandise available via our local supplier.
Your Griffin Archers Club Records are available here.